This article will cover creating a scalable Flask application using Gunicorn on Ubuntu 18.04 in Docker. We loosely are defining Flask application to mean serving up a web page via a GET request, however this blog can be used as an example to build a website, Restful API, or any number of things leveraging Docker. Via a Dockerfile we will build a Docker image that you can modify for your own Flask application needs, the example in this blog will be a simple “hello world” web page.
Quick Links:
GitHub repo with files referenced in this blog ubuntu-flask-gunicorn-docker
Docker Hub repo for the example app referenced in this blog nethacker/ubuntu-18-04-flask-gunicorn-example
Docker Hub repo for Ubuntu with Flask and Gunicorn with no app nethacker/ubuntu-18-04-flask-gunicorn
Step 0
Create a directory for your project.
mkdir ubuntu-flask-gunicorn-docker
cd ubuntu-flask-gunicorn-docker
Step 1
Create a file requirements.txt for your Python dependencies, such as Flask or Gunicorn. For more information about PIP requirements.txt read here.
vim requirements.txt
Add the following to the requirements.txt
Step 2
Create a file which will be a simple Flask web app. Flask is a microframework for Python based on Werkzeug and Jinja2. For more information about Flask read here.
Add the following to
from flask import Flask
hello = Flask(__name__)
def greeting():
return "Hello World!
if __name__ == "__main__":'')
Step 3
Create a file which will be the gateway from the webserver to your app. For more information about WSGI read here.
Add the following to
from app01 import hello
if __name__ == "__main__":
Step 4
Create a file which will be the configurations Gunicorn will utilize. Gunicorn is a Python WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX. For more information about Gunicorn read here.
Add the following to
*Note we set workers to 2 because if you only have one worker, and it’s handling a slow query, the heartbeat query will timeout which could remove it from a load balancer. Also container schedulers expect logs to come out on stdout and stderr so we have it set in the config as such. We also leverage /dev/shm vs default /tmp to avoid timeouts accessing ram vs disk.
pidfile = ''
worker_tmp_dir = '/dev/shm'
worker_class = 'gthread'
workers = 2
worker_connections = 1000
timeout = 30
keepalive = 2
threads = 4
proc_name = 'app01'
bind = ''
backlog = 2048
accesslog = '-'
errorlog = '-'
user = 'ubuntu'
group = 'ubuntu'
Step 5
Create a file Dockerfile which contains the commands to build your Docker image. For more information on Dockerfile read here.
vim Dockerfile
Add the following to Dockerfile
*Note we pull a base ubuntu 18.04 image with python 3.7.3 from my Docker Hub repo you could point this to the official Ubuntu repo and add a Python image or install line. All the files are copied into the /home/ubuntu container directory and referenced from there.
FROM nethacker/ubuntu-18-04-python-3:python-3.7.3
COPY requirements.txt /root/
RUN pip install -r /root/requirements.txt && useradd -m ubuntu
ENV HOME=/home/ubuntu
USER ubuntu
COPY /home/ubuntu/
WORKDIR /home/ubuntu/
CMD ["gunicorn", "-c", "", "wsgi:hello"]
Step 6
Build your Docker image
*Note you can -t tag this with your own naming convention
docker build -t example/ubuntu-flask-gunicorn-docker:latest .
Step 7
Start your Docker container from the Docker image you built. Docker container environments are different then VM’s because of this we set –shm-size to a bigger shared memory size. Gunicorn has a config entry to use shared memory (/dev/shm) vs disk (/tmp) for Gunicorn health checks to avoid timeouts accessing ram vs disk. The setting 80:8080 sets the Docker container to map localhost 80 to container port 8080.
docker run --shm-size=256m --detach -p 80:8080 example/ubuntu-flask-gunicorn-docker:latest
Step 8
Test your Docker container
If you didn’t modify the Dockerfile you should be able to go to localhost port 80 in a browser and get a red “Hello World” message.
You can also do the following to access the container with a bash shell to poke around.
Find the running Docker container id.
docker ps
Get and interactive shell on the container.
docker exec -it {id here} /bin/bash
Hopefully this basic overview helps you build your own containers!